Sonic Strategy
How does your brand sound?
The Sonic Strategy is the preliminary step for building your audio identity. Through collaboration, research and workshop, we create an sonic strategy including audio concepts which lays the foundation for why, where, and how to use and manage your brand’s sound and music.
How Arla found their sound
The Process
It can be challenging to grasp how and where to start if you want to work strategically with sound and music to strengthen your brand and customer journey. This is where we come into play.
Our 15+ years of experience, proven process, AI tools, international testing partners, and data-driven evaluation methodology ensures that we have a qualitative data evaluation that secures data-based decisions instead of only personal taste. It also ensures on-brand music and sound design that is aligned to brand values, as well as the possibility for quantitatively testing in different markets and segments.
At the start of the process, we collect all the information needed to create your Audio Brand Platform through research and discussion. We gather insights regarding your competitors’ and your own current audio landscape, brand profile and potential future audio touchpoints.
After gathering insights, we begin the workshop phase focused on understanding the brand and its auditory needs.
Let’s Create Your Sonic Strategy
Get in touchDuring this workshop, we collaboratively find the key attributes of the brand. This ensures that both the client and us are aligned and have a shared understanding of the attributes and their meaning. For each attribute an audio translation will be provided, that describes how this attribute is usually created within audio, to help demystify the process a bit.
These attributes are mapped to spiderwebs, which throughout the process will show how an audio logo or a piece of music rates in each attribute.
We use various evaluation tools throughout the development process in order to secure the highest possible alignment to brand and fulfilment of expressional objectives.
This method enables us to evaluate and discuss the music based on data instead of only personal taste.

Along with these spiderwebs, we use AI tools to objectively measure the music.
Audio references will be shown and discussed with the client through our interactive voting system, where participants can vote anonymously on which they think would fit the brand the best. These results are discussed afterwards.

Based on the discussions, votes and attributes, we pick the best vendor for the project from our Global Vendor Network. Our Vendor Network ensures that we have the best-qualified audio professionals for all projects, making sure that we have high versatility where we can cover all styles, as well as local and regional insights.

Finally, based on our insights and workshop, we develop a brief and concept that forms the basis for the next step, which is the audio production.
- Analysis and recommendations for audible differentiation in relation to competitors/comparable brands.
- Overview of utilised and unutilized audible touchpoints and recommendations for how to use sound and music to strengthen brand and UX.
- The overall concept for the development of the music expression that supports brand strategy and tonality in all aspects.
- Compositional concepts containing a range of essential reflections and suggestions for the audible embodiment of the brand.
- Perspectives and recommendations for aligned audio strategic activities.
- A selection of audible referential material to suggest best practice application and illustrate future potential expressional modes in relation to the unfolding of the audible potential of the brand.