An Audio Identity for Carlsberg Group

Carlsberg Group & Sonic Minds
Carlsberg Group came to us because they needed audio to unify them across brands in the most flexible and easily accessible way to accommodate the organization’s many widespread branches. We took on the challenge and created a complete Audio Identity for them.
Audio Identity
The Audio Identity supplements their visual elements to communicate the brand and provide the whole organization with a uniting global language through audio. The new branding element was introduced to the whole concern via a small graphical film.
Audio Logo
The Audio Logo is based on a short and distinct melody complemented by a dynamic sound design supporting the animation of their logo and the iconic crafted hop leaf.
The logo exists in three different tempos that each fit the different brand moods.

Sound & Music Toolbox
We created three different brand moods and musical expressions composed and produced in different fixed lengths for easy implementation in films, presentations, events, etc. The music can be easily tailored to create the expression Carlsberg Group needs for any communicative purpose.
Ringtones and SMS Sound
Carlsberg Group’s customized ringtones and SMS tones are composed as an addition to their overall Audio Identity. They all come in various editions.

Words From Carlsberg Group
I talked to different vendors in the process but chose Sonic Minds to develop our new audio identity. First of all, because they were agile and understood our needs and our business, we had a right and direct tone going from the beginning, which is vital when you have a tight deadline and many stakeholders. We had a thorough process to find the right direction that fits our company’s purpose. We are pleased with the result, and it is slowly growing globally as a natural part of our identity elements
Kristine Jakobik, Corporate Brand Manager, Carlsberg Group